Slugcats are both the primary protagonists and the main playable characters of Rain World. They are small creatures that can come in various colors, and with black or white eyes, thin arms, broad legs with small feet, broad-ended ears, and a thick tail that tapers at its end. The player must keep the Slugcat alive as they explore the world, confront strange creatures, and work towards challenging Achievements.

"Weak of body but strong in spirit. In tune with the mysteries of the world and empathetic to it's creatures, your journey will be a significantly more peaceful one."

The Monk serves as Rain World's easy mode, and begins the game in Outskirts after the opening cutscene, which implies that they dove after their sibling, Survivor. As a "punishment" for choosing the easy mode of the game, the lore usually discoverable in Survivor's campaign is no longer accessible. The Monk is also very weak, dealing less damage with spears. Their main goal is to find their sibling, and when they ascend at the end of their campaign, they reunite with the Survivor in the Void Sea.

"A nimble omnivore, both predator and prey. Lost in a harsh and indifferent land you must make your own way, with wit and caution as your greatest assets."

The classic Rain World experience, the Survivor must deal with the ever-present threat of predators while trying to find their way through this hostile world. Survivor deals the standard amount of damage with spears and encounters more creature variety. They are the default gamemode and highly recommended for first playthroughs. They are the sibling of the Monk, and were separated from them and the rest of their family in the floods brought by the rains. Though the Survivor begins their journey searching for their family, their story ends with their ascension.

"Strong and quick, with a fierce metabolism requiring a steady diet of meat. But the stomach won't be your only concern, as the path of the hunter is one of extreme peril."

The Hunter serves as the base game's hard mode, and features several changes which make the game significantly more challenging. The most noticeable of these changes are the twenty cycle (twenty-five if Five Pebbles is visited) time limit and the new enemies such as Red Lizards and King Vultures, which are much harder to evade or kill. They were sent by No Significant Harassment to revive to Looks to the Moon, and though the player can choose to ascend them, their true ending is shown in Gourmand's campaign, where they are completely taken over by the sickness that riddles their body.

"An indulger of the simpler pleasures in life. Carrying the world in your stomach gives many tactical advantages, but comes at an increased cost of sustainability."

The Gourmand is unlocked as a playable character after completing the main story as either Monk or Survivor. They begin the game in Shaded Citadel, and have a variety of unique mechanics, including dealing contact damage when sliding and falling, crafting items, and regurgitating random objects in exchange for food pips. They are uninterested in ascending and instead are on a journey to scout the land ahead for their colony, eventually returning by the end of the campaign.

"A fierce combatant, master of pyrotechnics and explosives. Keen to move up in the foodchain, your journey will surely be one lined with constant bloodshed and warfare."

The Artificer is unlocked as a playable character after completing the main story as either Monk or Survivor. They are a combat-based Slugcat with enemy spawns similar to the Hunter as well as a large number of hostile Scavengers. However, their campaign is much easier due to their ability to create explosives from regular items as well as their "boom-jump" power. Their main goal is to wipe out the Scavenger race due to their role in the loss of their children.

"Breathes underwater, and moves through the world with ease. These adaptations are essential, as you'll be pitted against a world of increasingly frequent floods, where time is of the essence."

The Rivulet is begins the game with a swallowed pearl in Drainage System, and have a variety of unique mechanics, including greatly increased movement speed, swim speed and jump height, greatly extended breathing capacity underwater, and the ability to pop bubble fruit by holding it. Cycles are much shorter and shelter failures are more frequent in their campaign, making rain much more frequent. They are unlocked as a playable character after completing the main story as either Artificer, Gourmand or Hunter. The Rivulet's origin and goal are unknown, though it is theorised they were sent by Unparalleled Innocence to take Five Pebbles mass rarefaction cell due to the pearl in their stomach containing exact blueprints of his structure. At Five Pebble's request, they take the cell to Looks to the Moon and befriend her after bringing back her processing power.

"An abnormality who feeds using needles pulled from its body. A traveller from a far away land; A feeling in your depths sets you out once again, messenger..."

The Spearmaster begins the game in Outskirts, and have a variety of unique mechanics, including the ability to grow organic Spears from their tail, which can be used to impale and drain life from other creatures. This is required to gain food pips. They are unlocked as a playable character after completing the main story as either Artificer, Gourmand or Hunter. They were sent by Seven Red Suns to deliver a pearl embedded inside of them to Five Pebbles, and eventually end up at Looks to the Moon after Five Pebbles rips the pearl out of their chest. She rewrites the pearl into a broadcast message and the Spearmaster delivers it to the nearest communications array before finally returning home to Seven Red Suns.

"Frail and armed with a long tongue. Your journey will be one of perfect enlightenment, but walking this path requires patience, caution, and complete attunement with the world."

The Saint begins the game in Windswept Spires, and have a variety of unique mechanics, including the ability to grapple and swing from walls and ceilings with their long tongue, which can be extended and retracted by pressing up and down. Saint is unable to throw spears properly, making defending themselves incredibly challenging. They are unlocked as a playable character after completing both of Rivulet's and Spearmaster's campaigns. The Saint's story is largely confusing and their origin is unknown, but the leading theory is that they are the Triple Affirmative and the killer of Sliver of Straw. After they attune, they gain the ability to ascend creatures. They ascend both Looks to the Moon and Five Pebbles and eventually reach the Void Sea after going through Rubicon. Their Karma is stripped away by the Void Worm when they attempt to ascend it and are sent back to the very beginning of their campaign.